- Author: submits manuscripts and tracks submissions
- Reviewer: reviews manuscripts
- Editor: selects reviewers and makes recommendations for a manuscript
- Publication Editor: manages typesetting and publication process for accepted manuscripts
- Payment Editor: requests and monitors article processing fees (if applicable for the journal)
- Editor-in-chief: governs all processes for a journal
- Authors provide all related information such as e-mail address, affiliation, country, OrcID, etc. during registration.
- Authors are assisted by step-by-step pages to guarantee a user friendly manuscript submission process.
- All essential documents are sent via online system
- Blinded PDF documents to be delivered to peer reviewers are automatically generated.
- Article submission fee (if exists) may easily be handled using Payment API.
- Editor-in-chief may easily check for plagiarism using iThenticate API.
- Editor-in-chief selects section editor(s) who governs review process for a single manuscript and delivers expert recommendation to the editor-in-chief.
- Section editor invites reviewers to evaluate the quality and originality of the manuscript.
- Assigned reviewers provide comments and recommendations.
- Reviewers are periodically reminded via e-mail messages.
- Editor-in-chief makes one of the following decisions about the manuscript:
1 – Accept in its currect form
2 – Accept with minor revisions
3 – Re-evaluate after major revisions
4 – Reject